
Purpose of use and handling of personal information

Please fill in this contact form after agreeing to the following purposes of use and handling of personal information.

1. Purpose of use of personal information

To contact you in response to your enquiry.

2. Handling of personal information

    The personal information provided will be handled appropriately in accordance with the 'Personal Information and Specified Personal Information Protection Policy'. We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties other than our affiliated companies, except for the purpose of carrying out our business and in the following cases a to g.

    1. When the person concerned has given their consent.
    2. When permitted by law.
    3. When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
    4. When it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound development of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person concerned.
    5. Where the business operator handling the personal data is an academic research institute, etc., and the provision of the personal data is unavoidable for the publication of the results of academic research or for teaching (except where there is a risk of unjustified infringement of the rights and interests of individuals).
    6. Where the business operator handling the personal data is an academic research institute, etc. and the provision of the personal data is necessary for academic research purposes (including cases where part of the purpose of providing the personal data is for academic research purposes, excluding cases where there is a risk of unreasonable infringement of the rights and interests of individuals). (limited to cases where academic research is conducted jointly by the personal data handling business operator concerned and the third party concerned).
    7. When the third party is an academic research institute, etc., and the third party needs to handle the personal data concerned for academic research purposes (including cases where part of the purpose of handling the personal data concerned is for academic research purposes, except where there is a risk of unjustified infringement of the rights and interests of individuals).

For enquiries regarding the handling of personal data, please contact below.

KJS Company LTD.
